Local Animal Life and Hunting

Local Animal Life and Hunting

Utah is an absolute haven for anyone who appreciates the outdoors. From endless mountain ridges to unfathomable red rock formations, Utah has it all! And thanks to these wonderful natural landscapes, Utah is home to a diverse and thriving animal ecosystem.

We specialize in selling land in northeast Utah, between Strawberry reservoir and Duchesne. An area of wildly varying landscapes and extremely rich in animal life. Much of the area is either protected by US Forest Service Wilderness Areas or Native American Tribal lands. This amount of protected land is actually a huge benefit to us and our posterities as we will always have untouched, raw wilderness at our finger tips to enjoy.

Once more, these protected lands provide incredible habitats for animal life to live and thrive in. While tribal lands are off limits to anyone who isn’t of verified Native American heritage, the High Uintas Wilderness is for anyone to enjoy.

This rugged, deep wilderness surrounds the largest mountains in Utah with over twenty 13,000 foot peaks in the range alone. Below the peaks are large high mountain meadows, endless forests and thousands of lakes and streams. The perfect habitat for many, many creatures. In fact, the High Uintas Wilderness area is home to over 70% of all of Utah’s known animal species.

The most prevalent big game are deer, elk, moose, bear, cougar and mountain goat. The High Uintas are home to the largest number of mountain goats in Utah, spread across the many large peaks. When it comes to the predators, Utah is fortunate to only have black bear, which is much less aggressive than its larger relative the brown bear (grizzly). Cougars are very prevalent in all of Utah but tend to keep to themselves. Big cats are very intelligent and will generally stay away from people, especially in groups, unless otherwise provoked by extenuating circumstances.

While Moose, bear and cougar populations are roughly the same, elk have made a surge to very healthy population levels in the last 15 years. Utah is now top 5 in the country for elk heard population and has become a renowned hunting destination. Hunting, when done properly and following the regulations, is an essential way to control animal populations.

If you plan on hunting this region of Utah, please be prepared. This area is called the “South Slope” hunting area, referring to the south slope of the Uinta mountains. Be sure to obtain the proper permits for the both the area and type of game you plan on pursuing. Dates change with each type of animal and weapon being used for the hunt. Below is a link to Utah’s official “Big Game Application Guide Book for 2019”.

Please be sure to follow all the rules and regulations so that we may all continue to enjoy this wonderful animal life in our great state and that we may pass that on to our children and grandchildren. These are wonderful creatures that should be enjoyed and we are grateful we can provide the opportunity to live amongst them.

Mountains West Ranches

May 24-27, 2024

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May 24-27, 2024

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Looking for a Memorial Day camping spot? We’ve got one just for you! Reserve your own 5-acre property now! Bring all your friends and family for an unforgettable experience!