Cabin Kits

Cabin Kits

As we continue through our “How To Series”, we’ve been working our way through each of the details involved in making a property livable and more like home. Comfort is everything when considering a family getaway and we hope our advice in these blog posts are helping make your property a home.

Truly making property your home or the perfect family destination is dependent upon the living arrangements. The right cabin can make the difference between a property you visit to a refuge to escape to. Our dream for our clients is that they take the property we offer and make it a special place for their family.

When it comes to building, many people don’t know what options they have. In Utah alone there are nearly a dozen log home builders who offer cabin kits. These cabin kits are sold as the kit alone or many of these companies offer to build the kit on your land for you as well.

One of the nicest offerings is that many of the plans have multiple building phases. This way if you just want to start small, you can start with phase one and then add on as your family grows or as you save up the money to expand. There are great options out there to get you the cabin your family needs.

Now, not every cabin has to be a log cabin. There are multiple companies that make beautiful modular home kits. These homes do not look like the typical modular home. You have your choice of modern or classic looks depending on your personal style.

When it comes to square footage, most of these companies offer just about everything! There are cabins from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft., whatever you need, they can make it happen. If you would like to not pay the extra and build it yourself, blueprints are included in these kits to help you in the building process.

Of course all building must be done within the permits of the county, but these companies are great options to help you create a beautiful home for your family! Below are links to several of the companies based here in Utah that can help you make your dream property a reality.

Mountains West Ranches

Companies not based in Utah who offer great inexpensive options:
May 24-27, 2024

Camp with us

Looking for a Memorial Day Camping Spot? We’ve got one just for you! reserve your own 5-Acre property now! Bring all your friends and family for an unforgettable experience!

ONly 20 spots left! Stay for the night or the whole weekend!

May 24-27, 2024

camp with us

Looking for a Memorial Day camping spot? We’ve got one just for you! Reserve your own 5-acre property now! Bring all your friends and family for an unforgettable experience!